Sandyokdum Biddudmig Bugfarnken
is a god.
She takes the form of a fat, moody
Sandyokdum Biddudmig Bugfarnken
created time and space four years ago.
If you believe in
Sandyokdum Biddudmig Bugfarnken
, she will grant you eternal life.
If you do not believe in
Sandyokdum Biddudmig Bugfarnken
, she will turn you into a mole.
Sandyokdum Biddudmig Bugfarnken's
most sacred site is Nakke in Denmark.
Sandyokdum Biddudmig Bugfarnken's Holy Commandments
1. Always take life seriously.
2. Do not drink from vessels made of earth.
3. Always look after injured gulls.
4. Sandyokdum Biddudmig Bugfarnken must be the most important thing in your life.
5. Never feed lots of spinach to manatees while wearing gray kilts.
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