Nanlarnbun is a god.

She takes the form of a gargantuan, selfish wyvern.

Nanlarnbun created the Sombrero Galaxy six trillion years ago.

If you believe in Nanlarnbun, she will give you lots of grapes.

If you do not believe in Nanlarnbun, she will sneak up behind you and tap you on the back.

Nanlarnbun's most sacred site is Gadna in Hungary.

Nanlarnbun's Holy Commandments

1. Never talk about moons.

2. Never talk about ultrasonics near shrews while wearing indigo boots and balancing three silver spheres on your arms.

3. Never feed corn to bats while wearing magenta hats.

4. Never write about nebulae.

5. Hide if eight moths approach from the east.
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