Karfatfadbus is a god.
It takes the form of a gargantuan, kind
Karfatfadbus created a quark seven trillion years ago.
If you believe in
Karfatfadbus, it will give you great power.
If you do not believe in
Karfatfadbus, it will not care at all.
Karfatfadbus' most sacred site is Kirumampakkam in India.
Karfatfadbus' Holy Commandments1. Erect a giant cyan sculpture of Karfatfadbus in the centre of the settlement.
2. Never feed coconuts to mites while wearing kilts.
3. Always obey Karfatfadbus' priests.
4. Your grandchildren must be taught to worship Karfatfadbus.
5. Do not covet oxen.