Dubgumcanlog Vagpibdid
is a god.
He takes the form of a five hundred metre long, calm
Dubgumcanlog Vagpibdid
created a top quark three quadrillion years ago.
If you believe in
Dubgumcanlog Vagpibdid
, he will grant you immortality.
If you do not believe in
Dubgumcanlog Vagpibdid
, he will destroy your home solar system.
Dubgumcanlog Vagpibdid's
most sacred site is Inshas in Egypt.
Dubgumcanlog Vagpibdid's Holy Commandments
1. Never write about solid mechanics.
2. Feed all hungry foxes.
3. Always pray immersed in water.
4. Do not covet oxen.
5. Do not drink from vessels made of base metals.
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