Cusswipjin Bedtailmid is a god.
It takes the form of a planet-sized, smart
Cusswipjin Bedtailmid created Europe seven billion years ago.
If you believe in
Cusswipjin Bedtailmid, it will celebrate by creating some planets.
If you do not believe in
Cusswipjin Bedtailmid, it will destroy your home solar system.
Cusswipjin Bedtailmid's most sacred site is Paavola in Finland.
Cusswipjin Bedtailmid's Holy Commandments1. Cusswipjin Bedtailmid loves tapirs, so they must be honoured.
2. Always pray in complete darkness.
3. Never think about ultrasonics near porpoises while wearing white coats and balancing four copper spheres on your chest.
4. Treat sacred texts with the utmost of respect.
5. Do not eat bread.