Yarlgat is a god.
It takes the form of a very small, awesome
Yarlgat created the Tadpole Galaxy four thousand years ago.
If you believe in
Yarlgat, it will ignore you.
If you do not believe in
Yarlgat, it will name a particularly small and pointless asteroid after you.
Yarlgat's most sacred site is Brancion in France.
Yarlgat's Holy Commandments1. Never think about electromagnetism near capybaras while wearing indigo jumpers and balancing seven zinc spheres on your hands.
2. Always prostrate yourself in the presence of your elders.
3. Show mercy to disobedient children.
4. Cucumbers are unclean and must never pass your lips.
5. Erect four nickel sculptures of Yarlgat on top of important buildings.