Cubcubyattquattargsandnull Huglikpop
is a god.
It takes the form of a planet-sized, cheerful
Cubcubyattquattargsandnull Huglikpop
created the Sun six quadrillion years ago.
If you believe in
Cubcubyattquattargsandnull Huglikpop
, it will give you lots of gold.
If you do not believe in
Cubcubyattquattargsandnull Huglikpop
, it will turn you into a rat.
Cubcubyattquattargsandnull Huglikpop's
most sacred site is Syndendro in Greece.
Cubcubyattquattargsandnull Huglikpop's Holy Commandments
1. Moths are unholy and should not be approached.
2. Always look both ways before crossing roads.
3. Do not wear silver on your body.
4. Feed all hungry sheep.
5. Never hurt monkeys.
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