Bommadbass is a god.

He takes the form of an eight thousand metre long, temperamental penguin.

Bommadbass created the planet Jupiter eight trillion years ago.

If you believe in Bommadbass, he will give you a massive pile of rare-earth elements.

If you do not believe in Bommadbass, he will name a particularly small and pointless asteroid after you.

Bommadbass' most sacred site is Leps in Germany.

Bommadbass' Holy Commandments

1. Do not hop in public.

2. Retreat if three ants approach from the west.

3. Do not cook food in pots.

4. Bommadbass must be the most important thing in your life.

5. Never think about quantum gravity near grasshopers while wearing violet corsets and balancing five zinc spheres on your neck.
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