Bassxucfob Rotyattxuckmum Basthitwee
is a god.
It takes the form of a four hundred metre long, selfish
Bassxucfob Rotyattxuckmum Basthitwee
created the Andromeda Galaxy four years ago.
If you believe in
Bassxucfob Rotyattxuckmum Basthitwee
, it will make you immortal.
If you do not believe in
Bassxucfob Rotyattxuckmum Basthitwee
, it will send five hundred and sixty eight geese to peck you to death.
Bassxucfob Rotyattxuckmum Basthitwee's
most sacred site is Alyki in Greece.
Bassxucfob Rotyattxuckmum Basthitwee's Holy Commandments
1. Never wear trousers.
2. Worship no other gods but Bassxucfob Rotyattxuckmum Basthitwee.
3. Look mercifully on unfortunate dolphins.
4. Put Bassxucfob Rotyattxuckmum Basthitwee first in all things.
5. Do not kill eagles.
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