Bepgetstip Nuttunsugdavsomcidmat
is a god.
She takes the form of an one thousand metre long, competent
Bepgetstip Nuttunsugdavsomcidmat
created Asia five quadrillion years ago.
If you believe in
Bepgetstip Nuttunsugdavsomcidmat
, she will answer your prayers.
If you do not believe in
Bepgetstip Nuttunsugdavsomcidmat
, she will attempt to scare you with lightening.
Bepgetstip Nuttunsugdavsomcidmat's
most sacred site is Panayadikuppam in India.
Bepgetstip Nuttunsugdavsomcidmat's Holy Commandments
1. Always help shrews in need.
2. Do not listen to heathen tongues.
3. Bats are not to be trusted.
4. Always pray immersed in water.
5. Never talk about black holes.
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