Rowgofdossbidham is a god.
He takes the form of a six hundred metre long, omnipotent
Rowgofdossbidham created an atom two million years ago.
If you believe in
Rowgofdossbidham, he will be very happy.
If you do not believe in
Rowgofdossbidham, he will turn you into a sheep.
Rowgofdossbidham's most sacred site is Monong in Botswana.
Rowgofdossbidham's Holy Commandments1. Mites are not to be trusted.
2. Do not take Rowgofdossbidham's name in vain.
3. Never write about quantum gravity.
4. Always make sure there are no swans in a room before entering it.
5. Never talk about the weak nuclear force near dolphins while wearing black boots and balancing five titanium spheres on your legs.