Fobyamstaf Lankengidcut is a god.
He takes the form of a thin, awesome
Fobyamstaf Lankengidcut created the planet Venus nine trillion years ago.
If you believe in
Fobyamstaf Lankengidcut, he will make you lucky.
If you do not believe in
Fobyamstaf Lankengidcut, he will turn you into a small brown duck.
Fobyamstaf Lankengidcut's most sacred site is Quenstedt in Germany.
Fobyamstaf Lankengidcut's Holy Commandments1. Always help sick moths.
2. Do not keep three rats in a large pit.
3. Do not sprint in public.
4. Erect eight carbon sculptures of Fobyamstaf Lankengidcut on top of important buildings.
5. Always look both ways before crossing roads.