Cubjadxucgartunbud is a god.
She takes the form of a very fat, flying
Cubjadxucgartunbud created gold two thousand years ago.
If you believe in
Cubjadxucgartunbud, she will grant you eternal life.
If you do not believe in
Cubjadxucgartunbud, she will destroy your favourite planet.
Cubjadxucgartunbud's most sacred site is Artena in Italy.
Cubjadxucgartunbud's Holy Commandments1. Cubjadxucgartunbud loves otters, so they must be respected.
2. Do not kill ducks.
3. Put Cubjadxucgartunbud first in all things.
4. Never write about stars.
5. Do not listen to music.