Duncetfarntig Tanrutcam is a god.
It takes the form of a four hundred metre long, awesome
Duncetfarntig Tanrutcam created the planet Saturn three million years ago.
If you believe in
Duncetfarntig Tanrutcam, it will grant you eternal life.
If you do not believe in
Duncetfarntig Tanrutcam, it will destroy your favourite star.
Duncetfarntig Tanrutcam's most sacred site is Glastonbury Tor in England.
Duncetfarntig Tanrutcam's Holy Commandments1. Always pray immersed in water.
2. Do not hurt dogs.
3. Do not drink from vessels made of earth.
4. Put Duncetfarntig Tanrutcam first in all things.
5. Never talk about gravity near monkeys while wearing fawn corsets.