Fligvabbess is a god.
He takes the form of an extremely heavy, bad-tempered
Fligvabbess created a bottom quark five quadrillion years ago.
If you believe in
Fligvabbess, he will give you a free planet.
If you do not believe in
Fligvabbess, he will name a particularly small and pointless comet after you.
Fligvabbess' most sacred site is Troms in Norway.
Fligvabbess' Holy Commandments1. Erect a giant black sculpture of Fligvabbess in the centre of the settlement.
2. Always obey Fligvabbess' priests.
3. Worship no other gods but Fligvabbess.
4. Your children must be taught to worship Fligvabbess.
5. Never think ill of sick horses.