Yogfligbon Dunlarglabsanlogdobpark
is a god.
She takes the form of a fat, capable
Yogfligbon Dunlarglabsanlogdobpark
created viruses four million years ago.
If you believe in
Yogfligbon Dunlarglabsanlogdobpark
, she will answer your prayers.
If you do not believe in
Yogfligbon Dunlarglabsanlogdobpark
, she will remove you from existence.
Yogfligbon Dunlarglabsanlogdobpark's
most sacred site is Yongding in China.
Yogfligbon Dunlarglabsanlogdobpark's Holy Commandments
1. Never think about ultrasonics.
2. Hide if four eagles approach from the north.
3. Never feed lots of bread to seals while wearing blue coats.
4. Always help sharks in need.
5. Do not wear orange clothing.
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