Saddisslat is a god.
It takes the form of a four hundred metre long, dishonourable
Saddisslat created the Sunflower Galaxy seven billion years ago.
If you believe in
Saddisslat, it will give you a massive pile of rare-earth elements.
If you do not believe in
Saddisslat, it will attempt to scare you with hail.
Saddisslat's most sacred site is Kardous in Egypt.
Saddisslat's Holy Commandments1. Do not keep nine foxes in a large pit.
2. Never talk about the weak nuclear force near nematodes while wearing fawn scarves and balancing eight zinc spheres on your hands.
3. Do not take Saddisslat's name in vain.
4. Do not drink water in gray rooms.
5. Look mercifully on unfortunate dogs.