Cattettiben Flamnellgadgomlitkarfliglog
is a god.
He takes the form of a very large, quiet
Cattettiben Flamnellgadgomlitkarfliglog
created a top quark four quadrillion years ago.
If you believe in
Cattettiben Flamnellgadgomlitkarfliglog
, he will look favourably on your prayers.
If you do not believe in
Cattettiben Flamnellgadgomlitkarfliglog
, he will be mildly annoyed.
Cattettiben Flamnellgadgomlitkarfliglog's
most sacred site is Brancion in France.
Cattettiben Flamnellgadgomlitkarfliglog's Holy Commandments
1. Your children must be taught to worship Cattettiben Flamnellgadgomlitkarfliglog.
2. Never write about dark energy.
3. Doors are unholy and should not be erected.
4. Do not imbibe mustard, for it is unholy.
5. Do not keep nine monkeys in a large pit.
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