Jin Habtun Nakjigbutcar is a god.
She takes the form of a microscopic, impressive
Jin Habtun Nakjigbutcar created Africa five billion years ago.
If you believe in
Jin Habtun Nakjigbutcar, she will smite all your enemies.
If you do not believe in
Jin Habtun Nakjigbutcar, she will attempt to scare you with strong winds.
Jin Habtun Nakjigbutcar's most sacred site is Cuandixia in China.
Jin Habtun Nakjigbutcar's Holy Commandments1. Do not dye your hair mauve.
2. Always obey Jin Habtun Nakjigbutcar's priests.
3. Always make sure there are no grasshopers in a room before entering it.
4. Erect nine platinum sculptures of Jin Habtun Nakjigbutcar on top of important buildings.
5. Tell all that you meet of the great power of Jin Habtun Nakjigbutcar.