Poprutkad Cunbonkyarl is a god.
It takes the form of a six thousand metre long, merciful
Poprutkad Cunbonkyarl created Mount Everest nine thousand years ago.
If you believe in
Poprutkad Cunbonkyarl, it will grant your every wish.
If you do not believe in
Poprutkad Cunbonkyarl, it will hide angry, poisonous snakes in your dwelling place.
Poprutkad Cunbonkyarl's most sacred site is Wukan in China.
Poprutkad Cunbonkyarl's Holy Commandments1. Erect a giant nickel sculpture of Poprutkad Cunbonkyarl in the centre of the settlement.
2. Never think about evolution by means of natural selection.
3. Paint representations of black holes on the walls of your dwelling place in magenta.
4. Feed all hungry dogs.
5. Never look in ponds.