Zodbancat Benwipleg is a god.
She takes the form of a very small, blissful
Zodbancat Benwipleg created the Sunflower Galaxy seven million years ago.
If you believe in
Zodbancat Benwipleg, she will give you the power of flight.
If you do not believe in
Zodbancat Benwipleg, she will turn you into a slug.
Zodbancat Benwipleg's most sacred site is Quenstedt in Germany.
Zodbancat Benwipleg's Holy Commandments1. Never paint your face orange.
2. Do not trade with those who eat bananas.
3. Respect rivers and do not attempt to bridge them.
4. Always pray in complete darkness.
5. Worship no other gods but Zodbancat Benwipleg.