Weetunlikbad Hakhomarn is a god.
He takes the form of a nine thousand metre long, smart
Weetunlikbad Hakhomarn created a strange quark eighteen thousand years ago.
If you believe in
Weetunlikbad Hakhomarn, he will give you the power of flight.
If you do not believe in
Weetunlikbad Hakhomarn, he will turn you into a tree.
Weetunlikbad Hakhomarn's most sacred site is Morella in Spain.
Weetunlikbad Hakhomarn's Holy Commandments1. Do not wear red clothing.
2. Never think about optics near rats while wearing green trousers and balancing nine aluminium spheres on your hands.
3. Always help mites in need.
4. Do not make images of living things.
5. Doors are unholy and should not be erected.