Gannadlid Bonkdagtik is a god.
She takes the form of a gargantuan, smart
Gannadlid Bonkdagtik created the solar system four million years ago.
If you believe in
Gannadlid Bonkdagtik, she will give you the power of flight.
If you do not believe in
Gannadlid Bonkdagtik, she will turn you into a worm.
Gannadlid Bonkdagtik's most sacred site is Vandet in Denmark.
Gannadlid Bonkdagtik's Holy Commandments1. Ponytails are unholy and must not be worn.
2. Never wear mauve boots.
3. Never think ill of sick gulls.
4. Do not drink from vessels made of platinum.
5. Never hurt sheep.