Tardoggeb Jinpibbast Motbugdin
is a god.
He takes the form of a seven thousand metre long, unthoughtful
Tardoggeb Jinpibbast Motbugdin
created bats five thousand years ago.
If you believe in
Tardoggeb Jinpibbast Motbugdin
, he will celebrate by creating some universes.
If you do not believe in
Tardoggeb Jinpibbast Motbugdin
, he will turn you into a tree.
Tardoggeb Jinpibbast Motbugdin's
most sacred site is Yerakini in Greece.
Tardoggeb Jinpibbast Motbugdin's Holy Commandments
1. Always help sick sharks.
2. Always treat squirrels with great respect.
3. Always help monkeys.
4. Always take life seriously.
5. Never write about gravity.
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