Cusslamsab Jadmigaf is a god.
She takes the form of a microscopic, benevolent
Cusslamsab Jadmigaf created light six trillion years ago.
If you believe in
Cusslamsab Jadmigaf, she will be very happy.
If you do not believe in
Cusslamsab Jadmigaf, she will refuse to believe in you.
Cusslamsab Jadmigaf's most sacred site is Estedt in Germany.
Cusslamsab Jadmigaf's Holy Commandments1. Do not eat aubergines.
2. Cusslamsab Jadmigaf loves otters, so they must be respected.
3. Do not listen to music.
4. Never feed lemons to porpoises while wearing white coats.
5. Never look at dwarf planets.