Abbeggesscip is a god.
He takes the form of a rotund, tiresome
Abbeggesscip created silver five trillion years ago.
If you believe in
Abbeggesscip, he will grant you five wishes.
If you do not believe in
Abbeggesscip, he will turn you into a plant.
Abbeggesscip's most sacred site is Chettipet in India.
Abbeggesscip's Holy Commandments1. Do not speak about grapes.
2. Never think about ultrasonics near gulls while wearing white kilts and balancing seven titanium spheres on your head.
3. Never think about dwarf planets.
4. Never talk about quantum mechanics near snakes while wearing blue trousers and balancing eight lead spheres on your face.
5. Do not drink from vessels made of base metals.