Fonjopcadlogmonstipdobwee is a god.
It takes the form of an one thousand metre long, astonishing
Fonjopcadlogmonstipdobwee created life eight thousand years ago.
If you believe in
Fonjopcadlogmonstipdobwee, it will grant you three wishes.
If you do not believe in
Fonjopcadlogmonstipdobwee, it will have an extremely low opinion of you.
Fonjopcadlogmonstipdobwee's most sacred site is Utti in Finland.
Fonjopcadlogmonstipdobwee's Holy Commandments1. Never think about solid mechanics near pigs while wearing brown kilts and balancing eight nickel spheres on your neck.
2. Never talk about quantum gravity near great tits while wearing fawn coats.
3. Ponytails are unholy and must not be worn.
4. You must pray to Fonjopcadlogmonstipdobwee three times a day.
5. Never think about horizontal gene transfer.