Gofparkrag is a god.
He takes the form of a minute, unsympathetic
Gofparkrag created the Large Magellanic Cloud six thousand years ago.
If you believe in
Gofparkrag, he will give you lots of gold.
If you do not believe in
Gofparkrag, he will destroy your home planet.
Gofparkrag's most sacred site is Paavola in Finland.
Gofparkrag's Holy Commandments1. Never talk about gravity near manatees while wearing fawn shirts and balancing eight titanium spheres on your back.
2. Learn five new languages a year.
3. Do not drink from vessels made of iron.
4. Erect a giant cyan sculpture of Gofparkrag in the centre of the settlement.
5. Never leap in the presence of squirrels.