Quimflownabmanhinfun is a god.
It takes the form of a slim, almighty
Quimflownabmanhinfun created the Virgo Supercluster six million years ago.
If you believe in
Quimflownabmanhinfun, it will grant you immortality.
If you do not believe in
Quimflownabmanhinfun, it will curse you with boils.
Quimflownabmanhinfun's most sacred site is Syndendro in Greece.
Quimflownabmanhinfun's Holy Commandments1. Always help turtles.
2. Do not shelter from rain as it is holy.
3. Run away from pink snakes, for they are unholy.
4. Great tits are unholy and should not be approached.
5. Run away if five otters approach from the west.