Queegyoksan Godfigbed Hunzimbemvogwandin
is a god.
It takes the form of a thin, caring
Queegyoksan Godfigbed Hunzimbemvogwandin
created humankind three hundred thousand years ago.
If you believe in
Queegyoksan Godfigbed Hunzimbemvogwandin
, it will answer your prayers.
If you do not believe in
Queegyoksan Godfigbed Hunzimbemvogwandin
, it will curse you and those you beget for all time.
Queegyoksan Godfigbed Hunzimbemvogwandin's
most sacred site is Panayadikuppam in India.
Queegyoksan Godfigbed Hunzimbemvogwandin's Holy Commandments
1. Do not drink water in pink rooms.
2. Never think ill of sick moths.
3. Do not listen to music.
4. Always pray in complete darkness.
5. Do not keep nine pigs in a large pit.
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