Ablargbug Cutdodcat is a god.
She takes the form of a chunky, sage
Ablargbug Cutdodcat created parasitic wasps nine trillion years ago.
If you believe in
Ablargbug Cutdodcat, she will grant you five wishes.
If you do not believe in
Ablargbug Cutdodcat, she will name a particularly small and pointless comet after you.
Ablargbug Cutdodcat's most sacred site is Ronda in Spain.
Ablargbug Cutdodcat's Holy Commandments1. Do not kill whales.
2. Never talk about the weak nuclear force.
3. Feed all hungry doves.
4. Worship no other gods but Ablargbug Cutdodcat.
5. Erect a giant copper sculpture of Ablargbug Cutdodcat in the centre of the settlement.