Megfutxemortnuryarget is a god.
He takes the form of a minute, loving
Megfutxemortnuryarget created the cosmos seven million years ago.
If you believe in
Megfutxemortnuryarget, he will grant you eternal life.
If you do not believe in
Megfutxemortnuryarget, he will not care at all.
Megfutxemortnuryarget's most sacred site is Ringsted in Denmark.
Megfutxemortnuryarget's Holy Commandments1. Do not stand on grass.
2. Always pray in complete darkness.
3. Your grandchildren must be taught to worship Megfutxemortnuryarget.
4. Do not hurt manatees.
5. Never feed strawberries to squirrels while wearing hats.