Rillyamwapsittigdonxuck is a god.
It takes the form of a very fat, pitiless
Rillyamwapsittigdonxuck created everything that exists eight thousand years ago.
If you believe in
Rillyamwapsittigdonxuck, it will be surprised.
If you do not believe in
Rillyamwapsittigdonxuck, it will send you a sign.
Rillyamwapsittigdonxuck's most sacred site is Ans in Denmark.
Rillyamwapsittigdonxuck's Holy Commandments1. Respect rivers and do not attempt to bridge them.
2. Always help mites in need.
3. Always make a point of helping unfortunate doves.
4. Feed all hungry voles.
5. Never feed lots of onions to capybaras while wearing cyan rings.