Jarnbogcun is a god.

He takes the form of a very fat, stupid camel.

Jarnbogcun created the Tadpole Galaxy four million years ago.

If you believe in Jarnbogcun, he will give you a free planet.

If you do not believe in Jarnbogcun, he will send twenty two thousand, three hundred, and seventy eight badgers to sort you out.

Jarnbogcun's most sacred site is Poloka in Botswana.

Jarnbogcun's Holy Commandments

1. Paint representations of nebulae on the walls of your dwelling place in black.

2. Always pray immersed in water.

3. Do not drink from vessels made of platinum.

4. Do not stand on grass.

5. Do not keep three sharks in a large pit.
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