Rawbasshimpog Lidtinvonk is a god.
She takes the form of a seven hundred metre long, emotional
Rawbasshimpog Lidtinvonk created carbon two quadrillion years ago.
If you believe in
Rawbasshimpog Lidtinvonk, she will look favourably on your prayers.
If you do not believe in
Rawbasshimpog Lidtinvonk, she will send five hundred and sixty eight geese to peck you to death.
Rawbasshimpog Lidtinvonk's most sacred site is Skive in Denmark.
Rawbasshimpog Lidtinvonk's Holy Commandments1. Never feed cucumbers to nematodes while wearing hats.
2. Do not wear pink clothing.
3. Respect your elders.
4. Do not wear zinc on your body.
5. Always help tortoises.