Queegcennartsid is a god.
It takes the form of a plump, ruthless
Queegcennartsid created matter four trillion years ago.
If you believe in
Queegcennartsid, it will give you a massive pile of rare-earth elements.
If you do not believe in
Queegcennartsid, it will curse you with boils.
Queegcennartsid's most sacred site is Glastonbury Tor in England.
Queegcennartsid's Holy Commandments1. Paint representations of asteroids on the walls of your dwelling space in gray.
2. Always make sure there are no horses in a building before entering it.
3. Do not keep nine manatees in a large pit.
4. Do not drink from vessels made of lead.
5. Walk at least seven thousand metres per day.