Hinzigrot Pibzimtetti is a god.
It takes the form of a six thousand metre long, tranquil
Hinzigrot Pibzimtetti created an atom five thousand years ago.
If you believe in
Hinzigrot Pibzimtetti, it will visit you to thank you.
If you do not believe in
Hinzigrot Pibzimtetti, it will destroy your favourite solar system.
Hinzigrot Pibzimtetti's most sacred site is Ilmola in Finland.
Hinzigrot Pibzimtetti's Holy Commandments1. Always make sure there are no mice in a building before entering it.
2. Hide if seven horses approach from the west.
3. Never sit near geese.
4. Mites are unholy and should not be approached.
5. Shrews are not to be trusted.