Fitmutmad Shavtabraw is a god.
He takes the form of a corpulent, humane
Fitmutmad Shavtabraw created dark energy nine trillion years ago.
If you believe in
Fitmutmad Shavtabraw, he will be happy.
If you do not believe in
Fitmutmad Shavtabraw, he will jump up and down fuming with rage.
Fitmutmad Shavtabraw's most sacred site is Minnigaff in Scotland.
Fitmutmad Shavtabraw's Holy Commandments1. Always help shrews.
2. Never talk about the strong nuclear force.
3. Do not drink from vessels made of earth.
4. You must love Fitmutmad Shavtabraw.
5. Feed all hungry geese.