Millagtafsid Funnuttbom is a god.

She takes the form of a massive, humane clam.

Millagtafsid Funnuttbom created viruses seven quadrillion years ago.

If you believe in Millagtafsid Funnuttbom, she will make you immortal.

If you do not believe in Millagtafsid Funnuttbom, she will destroy your favourite star.

Millagtafsid Funnuttbom's most sacred site is Gassin in France.

Millagtafsid Funnuttbom's Holy Commandments

1. Never write about galaxies.

2. Do not commit murder.

3. Never write about evolution by means of natural selection.

4. Cucumbers are unclean and must never pass your lips.

5. Do not kill mice.
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