Arpbosshuggabhugmatcum is a god.
It takes the form of a very large, staggering
Arpbosshuggabhugmatcum created time and space three hundred thousand years ago.
If you believe in
Arpbosshuggabhugmatcum, it will grant you five wishes.
If you do not believe in
Arpbosshuggabhugmatcum, it will attempt to scare you with earthquakes.
Arpbosshuggabhugmatcum's most sacred site is Leswalt in Scotland.
Arpbosshuggabhugmatcum's Holy Commandments1. Always help cats.
2. You must love Arpbosshuggabhugmatcum.
3. Never sit near mice.
4. Never think ill of sick geese.
5. You must pray to Arpbosshuggabhugmatcum four times a day.