Bumlarptettihennur is a god.
It takes the form of a small, all-knowing
Bumlarptettihennur created the Virgo Supercluster eight thousand years ago.
If you believe in
Bumlarptettihennur, it will give you lots of grapes.
If you do not believe in
Bumlarptettihennur, it will curse you and those you beget for seventy quadrillion years.
Bumlarptettihennur's most sacred site is Estedt in Germany.
Bumlarptettihennur's Holy Commandments1. Never write about horizontal gene transfer.
2. Bumlarptettihennur loves gulls, so they must be respected.
3. Do not speak about peanuts.
4. Ducks are unholy and should not be approached.
5. Never talk about dolphins.