Flabtafgig Flanvantap Budyakgampin
is a god.
It takes the form of an extremely heavy, dishonest
Flabtafgig Flanvantap Budyakgampin
created oxygen twelve years ago.
If you believe in
Flabtafgig Flanvantap Budyakgampin
, it will approve.
If you do not believe in
Flabtafgig Flanvantap Budyakgampin
, it will denounce you as a heretic.
Flabtafgig Flanvantap Budyakgampin's
most sacred site is Ilmola in Finland.
Flabtafgig Flanvantap Budyakgampin's Holy Commandments
1. Never think about the strong nuclear force.
2. Never think about the inheritance of acquired characteristics.
3. Do not dye your hair orange.
4. Never write about evolution by means of natural selection.
5. Do not eat garlic.
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