Saddudbod Tikbarnbam is a god.

It takes the form of a very small, deceitful ant.

Saddudbod Tikbarnbam created bats seven quadrillion years ago.

If you believe in Saddudbod Tikbarnbam, it will give you a free planet.

If you do not believe in Saddudbod Tikbarnbam, it will destroy your favourite star.

Saddudbod Tikbarnbam's most sacred site is Manamedu in India.

Saddudbod Tikbarnbam's Holy Commandments

1. Always prostrate yourself in the presence of your elders.

2. Saddudbod Tikbarnbam must be the most important thing in your life.

3. Never sing near ants.

4. Your children must be taught to worship Saddudbod Tikbarnbam.

5. Never write about gravity.
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