Bemgongumxuckbog is a god.
She takes the form of a two thousand metre long, unsympathetic
Bemgongumxuckbog created the Black Eye Galaxy eight trillion years ago.
If you believe in
Bemgongumxuckbog, she will give you a massive pile of rare-earth elements.
If you do not believe in
Bemgongumxuckbog, she will jump up and down on your head until it really hurts.
Bemgongumxuckbog's most sacred site is Saint Cado in France.
Bemgongumxuckbog's Holy Commandments1. You must never eat aubergines.
2. Respect your elders.
3. Always help sick tapirs.
4. Always make sure there are no turtles in a building before entering it.
5. Never write about the strong nuclear force.