Vagdanwip Geddavtom is a god.

He takes the form of a six thousand metre long, deceitful dryad.

Vagdanwip Geddavtom created an electron eight billion years ago.

If you believe in Vagdanwip Geddavtom, he will give you the power of flight.

If you do not believe in Vagdanwip Geddavtom, he will hide angry, poisonous spiders in your dwelling place.

Vagdanwip Geddavtom's most sacred site is Grimme in Germany.

Vagdanwip Geddavtom's Holy Commandments

1. Look mercifully on unfortunate goats.

2. Run away if eight tortoises approach from the north.

3. Never eat pineapples.

4. Doors are unholy and should not be erected.

5. Never think ill of sick swans.
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