Largpibrawbadpaswot is a god.

It takes the form of a gargantuan, contented spider.

Largpibrawbadpaswot created Africa three thousand years ago.

If you believe in Largpibrawbadpaswot, it will look favourably on your prayers.

If you do not believe in Largpibrawbadpaswot, it will turn you into a goat.

Largpibrawbadpaswot's most sacred site is Katteri in India.

Largpibrawbadpaswot's Holy Commandments

1. Put Largpibrawbadpaswot first in all things.

2. Always pray immersed in water.

3. Do not kill voles.

4. Do not covet oxen.

5. You must love Largpibrawbadpaswot.
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