Cibsabyartsatvonbessapp is a god.
It takes the form of an eight thousand metre long, strong
Cibsabyartsatvonbessapp created the Andromeda Galaxy eight million years ago.
If you believe in
Cibsabyartsatvonbessapp, it will grant you three wishes.
If you do not believe in
Cibsabyartsatvonbessapp, it will curse you and those you beget for fifty two trillion years.
Cibsabyartsatvonbessapp's most sacred site is Goldcliff in Wales.
Cibsabyartsatvonbessapp's Holy Commandments1. Do not commit murder.
2. Never paint your hands green.
3. Always pray in complete darkness.
4. Treat sacred texts with the utmost of respect.
5. Do not bounce in public.