Kamhiv Homtintom is a god.
It takes the form of a microscopic, proud
Kamhiv Homtintom created the planet Jupiter five quadrillion years ago.
If you believe in
Kamhiv Homtintom, it will grant you five wishes.
If you do not believe in
Kamhiv Homtintom, it will be very unhappy.
Kamhiv Homtintom's most sacred site is Morella in Spain.
Kamhiv Homtintom's Holy Commandments1. Dogs are not to be trusted.
2. Tell all that you meet of the great power of Kamhiv Homtintom.
3. Your grandchildren must be taught to worship Kamhiv Homtintom.
4. Always help manatees.
5. Never pour water over plants.