Hubxuckwab Dadarmyok is a god.
It takes the form of an exceedingly fat, thoughtless
Hubxuckwab Dadarmyok created a bottom quark two thousand years ago.
If you believe in
Hubxuckwab Dadarmyok, it will approve.
If you do not believe in
Hubxuckwab Dadarmyok, it will send twenty eight swans to peck you to death.
Hubxuckwab Dadarmyok's most sacred site is Estedt in Germany.
Hubxuckwab Dadarmyok's Holy Commandments1. Do not speak about spinach.
2. Your grandchildren must be taught to worship Hubxuckwab Dadarmyok.
3. Always take life seriously.
4. Never think about planets.
5. Horses are unholy and should not be approached.