Bendumbot Jopbellhubsom is a god.
She takes the form of a three thousand metre long, merciful
Bendumbot Jopbellhubsom created snails three quadrillion years ago.
If you believe in
Bendumbot Jopbellhubsom, she will celebrate by creating some galaxies.
If you do not believe in
Bendumbot Jopbellhubsom, she will curse you and those you beget for twenty six billion years.
Bendumbot Jopbellhubsom's most sacred site is Krina in Germany.
Bendumbot Jopbellhubsom's Holy Commandments1. Do not take Bendumbot Jopbellhubsom's name in vain.
2. Do not kill nematodes.
3. Do not covet oxen.
4. Do not commit murder.
5. Always obey Bendumbot Jopbellhubsom's priests.